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Snaps not Snapping Correctly

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  • 2 weeks later...

A BIG whish on Santa Nemetschek's wishlist concerning snapping:

An additional option "snap only by loci" on the snapping pallette. It is very often a problem that there is an unavoided snapping when symbols have detailed lines that are very close to a snappoint, but it ist very simple to set a locus as snappoint within a set of symbols. With a "snap by loci" function unintended snaps can totally be avoided.

Edited by halfcouple
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Hi Benson

I don't find that the tilde disables all snaps. I wish it did. With the tilde held down, when you move your mouse over an object, it still highlights and can be selected, just not on a corner or edge etc.

Try this, have a large rectangle solid filled, draw a smaller object inside this rectangle. Now try dragging a marquee around the smaller object to select it. Can't be done, as it keeps selecting the larger rectangle, even with the tilde pushed.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Tilde disables snapping, not selection or preselection indication. Snapping and the ability to select or highlight are not the same function.

I don't disagree a method for this should be possible, just that the suspension of snapping isnt what you're looking for directly. Marking this thread for submission.

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Try this, have a large rectangle solid filled, draw a smaller object inside this rectangle. Now try dragging a marquee around the smaller object to select it. Can't be done, as it keeps selecting the larger rectangle, even with the tilde pushed.

To accomplish this you want to hold down the modifier key for "X-ray Select Mode", which will temporarily hide all fills and allow you to marquee without selecting the larger rectangle. I believe the default key for this is "B", which you can confirm in your workspace on the "Keys" tab of the Workspace Editor.

This is also incredibly useful for when you're tracing large images or PDFs and want to marquee without grabbing the thing you're tracing.

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For this interior selection, press/hold the Shift key prior to starting the selection marquee or selection click. It's like extending a selection only starting with nothing selected.

If the interior object is occluded (hidden by another object), you might find it with the Shift>marquee method, but it's easier to use the B key "x-ray" feature per AEB's post


Edited by Benson Shaw
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There are a lot of problems for me related with Selection and Snapping.

Just a few :

Objects with Fill have selection priority in their Form.

Although that rating does not always belong to their content importance.

May just be they are Hybrid Objects.

Trying to select non filled Geometry laying over a large Filled Object by

Marquee will not work - instead you will drag the filled Object.

Meshes, although not filled, in Plan View behave similar to Filled Objects

as long as Selection Tool not being in least "Disabled Interactive Scaling Mode".

You will always select them accidentally + their Selection Filling can exceed their

geometry by far, in 3D Views at least.

You can see 3D Object's Lines in planar Views, but you can't snap to it when working

with 2D Objects.

Drag Tool is not Selection-sensitive/locked.

You always risk to pick the neighbored element when you drag or switch to

Sub Object Mode when activated for Selection Tool.

For me that means a lot of CMD+Z and high-precision-cursor-placements.

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The shift select with marquee or click is process for selecting interior shapes and can help for some of these other snap problems. But that inadvertent move/drag instead of select is a constant fear.

Pressing "z" to zoom helps precision selection, but then next click, eg to select, also dismisses the zoom, which can cause unintended action to the selected object. The z to zoom feature could be refined with more control of the dismiss.

Anyway, sympathy for Zoomer's list of snap issues.


Edited by Benson Shaw
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  • 1 year later...

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