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Cinema 4D, do you use it and is it worth it?

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I've been considering adding Cinema 4D to my inventory since I find I spend most of my time anyway working on renderings in Vectorworks and I'm trying to see what else is out there. Does anyone actively use Cinema 4D and Vectorworks Architect/Spotlight? and if so do you find them to be a good combination, i.e. do they play nice? I've been messing around with the free C4D demo for awhile and see that it does seems intuitive, there is a pretty sizable learning curve for someone who's never used a strictly 3D rendering program and I'm trying to judge whether or not it's worth learning. To start off, the first thing I noticed about exporting from VW to C4D is that my textures are all gone that were originally in my VW file. This already seems like a major downside, and when reimporting the textures(I guess materials in C4D lingo) the scale doesn't seem to be that easy to adjust. Any thoughts? What are some other experiences of people who've tried it and either didn't like it or did?

Edited by feuer feuer
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  • 3 months later...

It definitely is worth considering especially when you use the export plugin to export vectorworks to cinema 4d, this helps with textures and any design changes you may encounter and helps smooth out the work flow.

Cinema 4d is a great programme in its own right. Easy to use, fast to learn, renders have a natural softness and look and so its not surprising that it is gaining in popularity. What I took note of when I purchased C4D is that the creators and users ENJOY the creativity that C4D offers.

However there is also another software programme that you may want to give serious consideration to - Vue Xstream available at www.e-onsoftware.com/. These people in my opinion are brilliant. Essentially it creates realistic environments (sky atmosphere vegetation) that can be integrated into C4D. Its amazing to see the capabilities that this software offers. For architecture, its a must. You bring your design from vectorworks into C4D and then create your landscaping etc in C4D thru VueXstream. Check it out.

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