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Duplicate along a path - I don't get it

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Let's say I'm drawing a fence, in plan, and it's a serpentine shape - and I want to have perpendicular lines crossing through it along the fence at 900 intervals.

The perfect tool for the job would seem to be the duplicate along path (through the edit menu in landmark).

However, I can't get it to go perpendicular to the path. Is there something I'm missing?

It either doesn't rotate at all, or when I tick the 'tangent' box it goes at a funny angle, but consistent with the path - but definitely not perpendicular. I can't seem to make it work.

Any ideas?



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Think of the path and the duplicate object as separate objects. If you place the first duplicate in relation to the path, its orientation is taken as the starting point. Place the first duplicate in a neutral, unrotated position and try again.

I've attached an example. The initial duplicate is the single small vertical line at the bottom of the image.


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There is an old ( I think you call it 'Legacy') Plug In that you have to add to your Workspace

I do not think though it can be used whilst in Rotate Plan

It is a Tool not a Menu Item - in the image attached - bottom left - I added it here to my Workspace

The Edit/Duplicate Along Path Menu item does not allow you to create a path - this one does and in my view is better

Also it should be re coded to work in Rotated Plan if I am correct that it does not work properly now

I posted that as a Wish List request yonks back but no one cared - no one commented

Boo Hoo

Perhaps others could comment now

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Have you played around the the original orientation of the object to be duplicated?

I think it's important to draw the line that gets duplicated parallel to the Y axis.

The tangent line appears to run through the center of the object to be duplicated and parallel to the X axis.



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