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3d component of symbols disappearing

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This bug has driven me nuts since VW 2008 with plant geometry going missing

Just yesterday as I have a Class - Plants-ComponentCircle - the circle appeared when that Class was turned off in a Plant

By sending the circle to the back in the Plant Geometry was how I think we could align the plant Tag to centre

In Edit Plant the circle could not be selected so turn the Class off and on - big crasho

Tried again and fixed it

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Haven't had this problem since updating. But if anyone still has the problem. Activate all classes, Save the document, close it and open it again. Symbols should be back. Of course you want to save your view before activating all classes so you can go back to where you were.

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  • 13 years later...
  • 11 months later...

OK, I'm running into this problem (or one very similar) 


all classes are on, I have pulled these cases out of the original file where I discovered this issue.

While Editing the Group (notice machine screws.)


After exiting the group. GONE!



I've attached the file.


Intro Cases.vwx

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The Machine Screws are set to only show at High level of detail.


I don't know why they are showing when you are in the group, but selecting them and checking the Medium and Low (did not check individually) LOD in the OIP makes them show when you exit the group.


Document Preferences are not set to use LOD on design layers. I don't know what that means. Probably that the LOD displayed is Medium or Low.



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It's not a Group it's a symbol. And those screws are only set to display at High Detail Level:



These are your design layer detail level settings:



Which basically means you need to set the scale to something larger than 1:24 for the high detail level objects to display.


And enable this quick pref:



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3 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

@Tom W. Interesting that you had a check next to the Auto Display in Document preferences. When I checked that setting it was unchecked.  ???


Sorry my post was confusing: it was enabling the auto display quick pref which put the check in the Doc Prefs. Enabling the quick pref was the first thing I did before checking the scales set-up in the Doc Prefs. So it was me who enabled it

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8 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

Based on this file, I would say it displays Low or Medium (or both) but not High LOD.


I think this is probably correct, based on what I see with Doors + Windows on the Design Layer. And my own symbols. With Auto Display disabled you see the Low + Medium geometry. But I only ever use the Detail Level settings in VPs to be honest + even then not that often. 

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