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Why do extruded objects lose their geometry/handles?

Leif Dixon

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If I create a 2d object, a square, for example, the object info box has all sorts of useful information such as the dimensions and the coordinates of the insertion point (changeable to be the corners, center, etc).

If I extrude the object, most of that information disappears. It still has the size information, but everything else goes away. Particularly annoying is the loss of the insertion point. It's as though the object is now just floating around on my drawing and I have no way to put it in a precise location.

Why does this happen?

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Enter the extrude edit mode - dbl click the extrude, mouse to Modify>Edit Extrude, or press cmd[

The edit window displays your original 2d profile on ground plane. Select the profile and OIP displays the familiar insertion grid, and object data for dimension, rotation, location coords for insertion point, etc.

In the edit window, you can move, edit and/or exchange the extrude profile object for another 2d object, create additional profile objects to include in this extrude, etc.

Close the edit window (click the Exit box or press cmd] ) to return to drawing layer.

If you convert the extrude to a mesh, the mesh generates locational data in the OIP. including a Z position, but loses its extrude history. Cannot convert to extrude.


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