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Tell Me Variables


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Continuing on from previous posts about using CreateCustomObjectN here is a useful menu tool I set up. (Most of the script is cut and paste direct from the documentation).

Draw a PIO selected and run the script. It will create a text file with a list of parameter names. These names can be used with SetRField.

PROCEDURE TellMeVariables;


fileName :STRING;

major, minor, maintenance, platform :INTEGER;


result: Boolean;




recHand :HANDLE;

recName :STRING;

fldName :STRING;


recName := GetName(GetRecord(h, NumRecords(h)));

recHand := GetObject(recName);

FOR cnt := 1 TO NumFields(recHand) DO BEGIN

fldName := GetFldName(recHand, cnt);




FUNCTION WriteValuesToParameters(h :HANDLE) :BOOLEAN;



recHand :HANDLE;

recName :STRING;

fldName :STRING;


recName := GetName(GetRecord(h, NumRecords(h)));

recHand := GetObject(recName);

FOR cnt := 1 TO NumFields(recHand) DO BEGIN

fldName := GetFldName(recHand, cnt);

WriteLn(fldName,' :=p',fldName);




GetVersion(major, minor, maintenance, platform);

IF platform = 1 THEN BEGIN

fileName := '/NewScript.txt';


fileName := 'C:\NewScript.txt';



result:= WriteFieldValues(hRecord);

ForEachObjectInLayer(WriteFieldValues, 2, 0, 4);

ForEachObjectInLayer(WriteValuesToParameters, 2, 0, 4);




Draw a PIO selected and run the script. It will create a text file with a list of parameter names. These names can be used with SetRField. Example: I wanted to use the elevation benchmark tool inside a PIO.

Procedure DrawFrameLevelHeights(xtemp:Real);


objectname:='Elevation Benchmark';

hobject:= CreateCustomObjectN(objectname,-framedepth-50,Head,0,False);

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'LineLength',Num2Str(0,xtemp));

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'Title','Lintel: +');

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'UseY','True');

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'Style','US');

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'Orientation','Left');

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'MFact','3');

SetRField(hobject, objectname,'Factor','.75');



I'm thinking the WriteLn function might be a very powerful tool... with it you can write a script to write a script. In the TellMeVariable I included a function that picks up all the parameter names then creates assigns the internal variables to the object parameters.

I am just starting to play around with Dialogs- is anyone using WriteLn in scripts to auto generate Dialog Scripts?. If this question make sense and there a couple people interested in seeing how it might be done, I've been looking for a project to give Google Wave a go on- and I have a couple spare invites.

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Very nice. I posted something similar to the Vectorscript Resource share forum a while ago. It creates a worksheet instead of a text file.


As for the writeln for dialog boxes, have you take a look at Dialog Creator?


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If you want to save time writing to a text file, set a document the way you want to code it in your script (add objects,classes,etc.) and use Export->Vectorscript to save the resulting code to a text file. Look for the object creation section and then copy relevant code into your script.

I draw what I want.

I make it into a Symbol Named 'ThisPart'

I export the script to a text file.

I open it and search for 'ThisPart'.

I cut and paste the section of script from BeginSym; to EndSym;.

Delete the Sym from Begin[sym] and End[sym].

Add a Procedure (name).


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I'm thinking the WriteLn function might be a very powerful tool... with it you can write a script to write a script. In the TellMeVariable I included a function that picks up all the parameter names then creates assigns the internal variables to the object parameters.

I am just starting to play around with Dialogs- is anyone using WriteLn in scripts to auto generate Dialog Scripts?. If this question make sense and there a couple people interested in seeing how it might be done, I've been looking for a project to give Google Wave a go on- and I have a couple spare invites.

See also


Dialog Builder 5

and everything at


Scripts that generate scripts are a favourite of mine. I also have FileMaker Pro databases that generate scripts. However, as comes to dialogs, I'll leave that to the experts and aficionados. (We hatess dialogss?)

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Dialogs are dynamicaly sized based on the controls. If you create a resizable dialog there are VS calls to set/get the size and location of the dialog. (SetLayoutDialogSize() for the size)

If you are talking about using the Dialog Builder there is a control point in the lower right corner to resize the layout window.

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