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Drawing Title Template/Border in Sheet Layers


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Having designed a custom drawing title block and calibrated it with a printer we now want to create a project template file (sta) with the title block/border universally embedded within the drawing template as a symbol.

The intention is to be able to have the symbol common to a series of sheet layers (drawings) that share this format in the same drawing file without having to create a specific viewport on each new drawing's sheet layer just for the title block. It can then apply to other formats within the same drawing file where annotations would be specific to the sheet layer.

At the moment it is cumbersome to have to assign a viewport to each sheet layer just for the title block but there doesn't seem to be any obvious way for us to avoid it when assigning viewports of different scales to the same sheet layer drawing (which itself is its own scale). Are the options given when creating a viewport to assign layers and classes etc the key here?? Is it not possible to have drawing border(s) as symbols on a template file's resource browser and assign these to a sheet layer on creation??? Perhaps the drawing border is assigned as a Class???

Can anybody advise or suggest a simple route to achieving this???? Probably missing something fundamental. We are primarily using VW 12.5 and have 2008 capability. Thanks a million.

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If you are using the Drawing Border Plug-in, then the "factory" way to insert the boarder and/or title block is to put one copy on each sheet layer. When you have it set up properly, you will have global data and sheet specific data. If you edit the global date (eg. Client Name, Address, Project, etc.) it will update on all the borders/titles at once.

If you don't want to do it what way, then the only other way I can think of is to make a dedicated design layer and then create a viewport for the border/title on each sheet layer. You can put it on one and then copy and paste it to the other sheet layers.

One nice thing about the built in version, is it can be used on different sized pages without having to make may manual changes.

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Thanks. The plug in route seems quite complicated but might give it a try. Your other suggestion is what we are doing at the moment essentially. It seems that the Sheet layer set up at creation is limited in so far as what you can manipulate???

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the plug-in route is really simple. it's much easier to place a drawing border on each layer with the tool. you just double click and Vectorworks places the drawing border in the correct location.

you just have to set the preferences before you start, but if you do that and save the file as a template, you won't have to change them again

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