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Cinema 4D export curve issue

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Hi, I am having a bit of difficulty exporting from Vectorworks to Cinema 4D. The forms which in Vectorworks are curves end up being very badly faceted in C4D. A circle ends up having 9 sides. This is not a small circle at 1000mm diameter. Is there some way of adjusting the settings or something?

I am using C4D 10.5.



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The solution is on the Vw side:

The export resolution is controlled by the 3d conversion resolution: I use high or very high if the curve is big; if it is small (less than half a meter), use medium (for optimize memory use, basically). Hope this helps.

Edited by Mr. Gog
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Yeah I had it set to very high.

But I have found a work-around... if I convert all the objects with curves to mesh before exporting it becomes a very finely tesselated mesh (set at very high 3D resolution) Then when I export it is accurate enough. But still not great for further editing. Would be better if the objects could actually be further edited in C4D. Is this better with C4D R11 and the new export/exchange plugin. Im using R10.5.

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