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Drawing white lines on a grass tennis court

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Hello -

I need to draw a 3d tennis court.

I have everything drawn in 2d already but am stumped as to the best way to draw it in 3d.

I could make the grass a floor and add a texture, but what would be the best way of drawing on the lines ? They need to be accurate so don't want to add them as a texture. How about a 3d poly or a Nurbs surface (which I don't understand !)

Any suggestions !?

Many thanks,


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The Dupont Zodiac textures are from Zodiac corian products.

CC_CloudWhite works well because it has the granular texture available for the necessary transparency effect.

The image is composed of 3 layers:

1) Thin White line overlay with transparent mask

2) Block with a Grass texture

3) Block of sod with a Zodia texture of some sort.

Both the Zodiac & Cambria Series provide sophisticated textures with infinite possibilities.

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Hello chaps -

I hope you don't think I am just getting you to do my work for me - but this is my next question - the net.

I have made a texture called net, used grid colour and got the net the right size.

But I can't get the transparency to work. I thought grid transparency would have worked, but it gave me a solid. Have got fairly good results by just reducing the transparency of the whole texture, but it is not great.

Any ideas ?

Thanks all


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To get a net to look like a net takes a wee bit of effort.

Rendering an aviary with a specific sized stainless wire mess brought that lesson home a few years back.

The key is to not only get the transparency 'knock-out' color right but also to allow the wires to be modeled with a soft gradient to diffuse the lighting without setting up a series of moire patterns across the scene.

Grid transparency has nothing at all to do with it.

You must first model the wire mesh with the exact gauge & spacing .. then render it to get the correct look to the gradient. Finally fill in the holes with a knock out color compatible with the over all scene. Then create the final texture with a transparency mask using the knock-out color ... apply contrast & softness as required.. depending on the focal length of the image. Higher values of contrast for close ups with less softness, etc. You may need to compose a couple versions depending on the scene.

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Hi Andrew, here is a screenshot one of many playing fields/courts I have created. The VW's object is a 2d/3d Symbol. I used a texture for chain link fencing for the net (I fiddled with the size of the texture mapping a little). Basically, the court itself is a single extrude, and the lines are a second, slightly thicker, extrude. Let me know if you have further questions.

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