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Motion Simulation?


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Unfortunately VW doesn't do what you're asking for. May I suggest you take a look at Solidworks or Inventor. I've used both and prefer Solidworks although they are quite similar in many ways. Both programs are expensive compared to VW but they do what they do very well.

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FYI, this is the script for the rotating cam example:


Procedure RotateCam;


{* ?2003, Nemetschek, N.A. *}

{* Developed by Tom Urie *}



kArmLength = 2.4570; { pivot arm length }

kArmAngle0 = 31.13; { initial angle of pivot arm }

kArmAngle = 0.1282; { rotation of pivot arm per degree of cam rotation }

kXc = 0.0; { x center of cam }

kYc = -0.2010; { y center of cam }

kXL = 2.4259; { x center of pivot arm }

kYL = 5.3870; { y center of pivot arm }

kRroller = 0.625; { radius of roller }

kMaxA = 11; { maximum a }

kMaxSpeed = 120; { maximum speed }

kDia = 0.750; { spring diameter }

kLength0 = 4.000; { initial spring length }

kNumCoils = 12; { number of coils in the spring }

kXS = 7.6880; { x origin of spring }

kYS = 3.3137; { y origin of spring }


armAngle : REAL; { angle of the pivot arm from kArmAngle0 }

theta : REAL; { total rotation of cam }

xF, yF : REAL; { follower center }

aCam : INTEGER; { angular rotation of cam per repetition }

dialogID : INTEGER; { dialog id number }

exitState : INTEGER; { value returned by the dialog }

j : INTEGER; { used to keep track of which direction the follower is moving }

speed : INTEGER; { relative speed }

camH : HANDLE; { handle to the cam }

followerH : HANDLE; { handle to the follower }

pivotH : HANDLE; { handle to the pivot arm }

recordH : HANDLE; { handle to the record that stores the last value of 'j' }

rollerH : HANDLE; { handle to the roller }

springH : HANDLE; { handle to the spring }

dialogOK : BOOLEAN; { flag - dialog is ok }


FUNCTION defineDialog : INTEGER;


dialogID : INTEGER;


dialogID := CreateLayout ( 'Rotating Cam', False, ' Start The Cam ', 'Cancel' );

{* Create the control items *}

CreateGroupBox( dialogID, 3, 'Speed', True );

CreateStaticText( dialogID, 4, 'Slow', -1 );

CreateControl( dialogID, 5, 3, '', kMaxSpeed );

CreateStaticText( dialogID, 6, 'Fast', -1 );

{CreatePushButton( dialogID, 7, 'Start << Hit any key to stop >>' );}

{* Position the control items *}

SetFirstLayoutItem( dialogID, 3 );

SetFirstGroupItem( dialogID, 3, 4 );

SetRightItem( dialogID, 4, 5, 0, 0 );

SetRightItem( dialogID, 5, 6, 0, 0 );

{SetBelowItem( dialogID, 3, 7, 0, 1 );}

{* Align the button and the group box to the right side *}

AlignItemEdge( dialogID, 3, 1, 100, 0 );

AlignItemEdge( dialogID, 7, 1, 100, 0 );

defineDialog := dialogID;

END; { of defineDialog }


PROCEDURE displayDialog( VAR item : LONGINT; data : LONGINT );


CASE item OF

SetUpDialogC: BEGIN

speed := ( aCam - 1 ) * kMaxSpeed / ( kMaxA - 1 );

SetControlData( dialogID, 5, speed );





GetControlData( dialogID, 5, speed );

aCam := ( ( kMaxA - 1 ) * speed / kMaxSpeed ) + 1;


{7: item := 1;}

END; { of CASE item }

END; { of displayDialog }


PROCEDURE DrawSpring( dia, length : REAL; numCoils : INTEGER; x0, y0, alpha : REAL );


pitch : REAL;



pitch := ( length - dia ) / ( numCoils + 0.5 );


MoveTo( x0+dia/2, y0 );



Arc( -dia/2, dia/2, dia/2, -dia/2, 90, 180 );

Move( 0, -dia/2 );

FOR i := 1 TO numCoils DO


LineTo( pitch/2, dia );

LineTo( pitch/2, -dia );


LineTo( pitch/2, dia );

Arc( -dia/2, 0, dia/2, -dia, 270, 180 );



HRotate( LNewObj, x0, y0, alpha );

END; {of DrawSpring}


PROCEDURE RotateTheCam(VAR aCam, j : INTEGER; VAR theta, xF, yF, armAngle : REAL);


a : REAL; { temporary variable }

aArm : REAL; { angular rotation of pivot arm per repetition }

alpha, beta : REAL; { temporary variables }

aRoller : REAL; { angular rotation of roller per repetition }

dB, dDy : REAL; { temporary variables }

delta : REAL; { temporary variable }

dy : REAL; { linear movement of follower per repetition }

length : REAL; { length of the spring at any given moment }

r1 : REAL; { radius of cam under the roller }

rRoller : REAL; { radius of roller }

xM, yM : REAL; { coordinates of a mouse click }

cCode : INTEGER; { key code of key depressed to stop rotation }

i : INTEGER; { counter }


rRoller := kRroller;

{length := kLength0;}

aArm := aCam * kArmAngle;

dy := aCam / 180;


theta := theta + aCam;

yF := yF + j*dy;

r1 := yF - rRoller;

aRoller := r1 * aCam / rRoller;

armAngle := armAngle + j*aArm;

a := 2 * kArmLength * Sin( Deg2Rad( armAngle/2 ));

beta := 180 - kArmAngle0 + armAngle/2;

length := Sqrt (kLength0^2 + a^2 - 2*kLength0*a*Cos (Deg2Rad (beta)));

alpha := Rad2Deg( ArcSin( a * sin( Deg2Rad( beta ) ) / length ) );

HRotate( camH, kXc, kYc, aCam );

HRotate( pivotH, kXL, kYL, -j*aArm );

HMove( followerH, 0, j*dy );

HRotate( rollerH, xF, yF, -aRoller );

DelObject( springH );

DrawSpring( kDia, length, kNumCoils, kXS, kYS, -(180 - alpha) );

springH := LNewObj;

SetDSelect (springH);

SetName( springH, 'Spring' );


IF theta >= 180 THEN


j := -j;

delta := theta - 180;

IF delta > 0 THEN


dB := 2 * delta * kArmAngle;

dDy := delta / 90;

yF := yF + j*dDy;

armAngle := armAngle + j*dB;

a := 2 * kArmLength * Sin( Deg2Rad( armAngle/2 ));

beta := 180 - kArmAngle0 + armAngle/2;

length := Sqrt (kLength0^2 + a^2 - 2*kLength0*a*Cos (Deg2Rad (beta)));

alpha := Rad2Deg( ArcSin( a * sin( Deg2Rad( beta ) ) / length ) );

HRotate( pivotH, kXL, kYL, -j*dB );

HMove( followerH, 0, j*dDy );

DelObject( springH );

DrawSpring( kDia, length, kNumCoils, kXS, kYS, -(180 - alpha) );

springH := LNewObj;

SetDSelect (springH);

SetName( springH, 'Spring' );



theta := delta;


UNTIL KeyDown( cCode ) | MouseDown (xM, yM);

END; {of RotateTheCam}





camH := GetObject( 'Cam' );

followerH := GetObject( 'Follower' );

pivotH := GetObject( 'Pivot' );

rollerH := GetObject( 'Roller' );

springH := GetObject( 'Spring' );

recordH := GetObject( 'Cam Record' );

{* Get the info stored in the record *}

aCam := Str2Num( GetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'aCam' ) );

j := Str2Num( GetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'direction' ) );

theta := Str2Num( GetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'theta' ) );

xF := 0.0000;

yF := Str2Num( GetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'Follower Y' ) );

armAngle := Str2Num( GetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'armAngle' ) );

{* Display the dialog and get the info *}

dialogID := defineDialog;

dialogOK := VerifyLayout( dialogID );

exitState := RunLayoutDialog( dialogID, displayDialog );

IF exitState = 1 THEN


RotateTheCam (aCam, j, theta, xF, yF, armAngle);

{* Save the info to the record *}

SetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'aCam', Num2Str( 4, aCam ) );

SetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'direction', Num2Str( 0, j ) );

SetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'theta', Num2Str (4, theta ) );

SetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'Follower Y', Num2Str (4, yF ) );

SetRField( recordH, 'Cam Record', 'armAngle', Num2Str (4, armAngle ) );




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