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Removing Small Red Boxes from Associative Dimensions


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I am working on a file from another architect, and the dimensions that I have placed in the drawing have tiny red boxes at both the start and the end. None of the dimensions that are already in the file appear that way, even though I am using the same dimension standard that was previously used (Arch). The boxes appear onscreen only, not in printouts.

I have looked through all of the object browser and document preference settings, and even tried creating a custom standard with the same conventions as the Arch standard, but I have not been able to lose the boxes. Can anyone help? Thanks!

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The Red boxes indicate that your dimensions are associated with the object. That means that if you change the size of the object, the dimensions will automatically change as well.

It is likely that the person you got the drawing from either

A. Put the dimensions on a different Layer than the objects or

B. Turned off Associate Dimensions in the Document Preferences.

As Jonathan said, they won't print and they may help, so you may not want to turn them off but rather just get used to them.

Wes is correct about how to just hide them while leaving the associative aspect turned on. Personally, I think that is a bad idea as then dimensions you don't expect to change may do so.

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