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Plug In Object not Editable

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2009 is the version I'm using and yes, it appears locked but I can't (don't know how) unlock it. Also, when I go into the tools>vectorscripts>edit plugins, I get referred back to the info palette. Mac 10.5. I also can't add plugins (they're gray) to the file.

Edited by sfatelier
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In 2009 (and 2008) you can change color and texture of curtain objects without going into the OIP.

Just select the curtain, then select the fill color from the Attributes Palette or double click on the texture you want from the Resource Browser. (or use the Render tab in the OIP to select the texture)

I've had the curtain object wig out once. I ended up deleting them and redrawing. They were happy after that.



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