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Constant Disk Access

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Blue/White G3 300mHz 128mb installed OS9.1

1mb virtual memory on

Running VW9

After getting 10 to 12 objects on the sheet, every VW operation selected is followed by a disk access before the operation is initiated. Makes for very slow work.


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I've been gettin very slow performance since:

1. Upgrade to VW9/RW9

2. Install of 1gig ram (there's no virt.memory now...)

Other particulars:

I'm running OS/8.6, on a G4 400mhz.

The details: It seems the most simple of tasks get progressively more sticky as a work session progresses. Selecting, click & drag to move objects, grouping and ungrouping, cut & paste etc. all get less and less reponsive as work progresses. The last episode, this evening, I tried to move a grouping of objects and it wouldn't do it at all.

Saving seems to help a little bit, but not for very long. Likewise with restarting the system.

Tech support / phone, wasn't very helpful, except to say up grade to OS/9.0.4 might help. Have you (or anyone else) experienced similar symptoms?


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