Here is a water texture made from accurate glass reflectivity, refraction set to 10%, mirror factor cranked up, transmission turned down to emphasize the reflections. Waves are from the wrapped leather bump shader with all amplitudes except fold amplitude turned down to 0%. Cast shadows turned off to help speed.
The mirror is turned up on this, for more reflections the refraction could be turned up, or the transmission turned down. For less reflections the mirror factor could be turned down
Something like this ? Note that water is highly reflective and does not have a color of it's own. The color comes from the surroundings like the sky, clouds, land in the background, objects in the water, depth of the wet and from the water itself if it's polluted by something. The main feature of a water consist of being very shiny and some degree of bump map, but no texture picture like for example wood or stone.
The bump map can probably be reduced in size and file format (sorry b