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AutoHotkey in Vectorworks2009

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Hi All,

Up through vw12.5, I would always use software called AutoHotkey in the background. This software lets the user write scripts that essentially re-map keyboard keys (along with much more advanced functionality which I've never gotten into). I used a script which, whenever a VW window was active, would map my number pad [/] key to ['] and my [*] key to ["]. This was a very easy way to enter feet and inches quickly on the number pad.

Sadly, in vw2009, the software no longer works. The odd thing is, even global mapping (that is not application specific) doesn't work. Everywhere else in windows, the keys are mapped correctly, but for some reason, in VW it ignores the mapping... Any ideas? Does Vectorworks have some secret new way of interpreting keystrokes?



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I have been using QuicKeys for years to do the same thing on the Mac. I had no problem updating to VW2009. I have [ ' ] mapped to [page down], [ " ] to [page up], [ ? ] to [home] and [tab] to [end]. You might try mapping shortcuts to the [page up] [page down] keys. I don't know if this is possible in Windows.

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