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Gobo visualization


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I am using VW2008 and am having no luck visualizing gobos. I have set all the custom renderworks settings, the light is on and shadows are checked in the visualization palette, and nothing. I get the light to be whatever color gel I assign but no gobo. The pipe and instrument have 2D and 3D attributes and the pipe, instrument and focus point are all in the same layer and class, as is the floor. Any suggestions.

Edited by MSachs
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Since it renders the light but no color there are a few more things to check.

Make sure nothing is blocking the light. When you render in fast Renderworks or with certain options in Custom Renderworks certain objects will not cast a shadow.

Often the piper or the floor will block the light.

Is the instrument from the Spotlight Library or it is one you created?

Make sure your lighting device has a solid fill and pen.

(This problem has been fixed in 2009.)

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