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Excellent question mate ... take a minute to inspect your VW Plugins folder ( use the convenience of the Vectorscript Editor ) . VW tools and procedures are all there as scripts !

Now do a "vectorscript" search of these forums and you shall discover a multitude of helpful scripts covering an array of common situations. Then download the Vectorscript Reference and you will be off on a grand vss adventure.

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Because you do a repetitive task that VW cannot do itself or in a simple way. So you write a script to do it for you end reuse it time and time again.

At the simplest level, you could think of it as a macro. But it can have logic and flow control.

An example may be when editing groups. Some times it is useful to see other objects when editing the group, other times it is not. You can change this under tools/options/vectorworks preferences/display/show other objects when in groups which is not particularly quick to do. You could write a script to do it for you, and assign it to a single key press or mouse click - much easier.

Other things may be more complex - infact, many of the things that you use in VW are Vectorscripts.

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