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How do I show only half of the criteria of a worksheet database

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I have created a record format called "beams".

I have drawn 20 rectangles and assigned each to the "beams" record format.

I have then named each rectangle "beam 1", "beam 2" etc etc etc

I have created a worksheet and using the database option shown all 20 beams with there widths etc

How would I change the criterea to show the 1st 10 beams only?

I want to have 2 worksheets, one showing beams 1-10 and the other 11-20.

I know in the mean time I can just create a viewport of the worksheet and use a crop to show what I want but Im sure theres a more effective way.

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Three semi-easy options:

1. Use two different classes

2. Add another field for the group you want the beams in.

3. Rename the Beams to Beam 01, Beam 02, ... Beam 19, Beam 20 and use a less than.

For option 3, you will have to manually edit the criteria in the data bar rather than using the criteria builder.

Options 1 and 2 are more robust and easier to program/change.


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Slightly tricky.

Create the criteria to have two rows. Something like Name start with 'Beam' and Name is 'Beam 11'

When you Edit the criteria, you will get a formula displaying in the formula bar. Click the Cancel button in the criteria dialog and the formula will remain in the formula bar.

Change the part of the formula that says N='Beam 11' to N<'Beam 11'

For your second part of the worksheet, set it to N>='Beam 11'

Remember, you will not be able to use the criteria dialog box after you make these changes, so get everything as correct as possible before you start trying to limt this way. You can use a formula like this as long as the data sorts in the correct order. You need to be labeled Beam 01, etc. because otherwise it will sort Beam 1, Beam 10, Beam 11, ... , Beam 19, Beam 2, Beam 20, Beam 21.


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