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tool similar to Maya's "insert isoparm"?

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Hi all,

I was wondering if VectorWorks has (or will have) a tool which would allow me to select an isoparm on a surface, and to use it to add CV's to the surface. Complementary, I'm looking for a tool with which I can select an isoparm and use it to split the surface. I'm not talking about clipping the surface, which only hides part of the geometry. I'm really talking about making two different surfaces out of one.

In addition, it would be handy if we could define the amount of isoparms shown. Right now, it's VW who takes care of this, but very often VW doesn't show enough isoparms to get a good indication of how the surface "flows".

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


[ 08-19-2003, 05:40 AM: Message edited by: BaRa ]

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Thanks for the suggestion, Biplab. I didn't know that (or never tried). But this is really limited, because you cannot choose WHERE you want to split the surface: you can only use the isoparms that VW shows, and you are not able to "add" your own isoparms (or make them visible).

And B.T.W.: the result of this operation is not 4 separate surfaces with new CV's (rebuilt surfaces), but 4 clipped surfaces - which means you have a lot of CV's OUTSIDE of the surface boundaries. When you use the detach-command in Maya, it gives you 2 rebuilt surfaces, which is far more handy when you're modeling.

Thanks for replying [smile]

Kind regards,


[ 08-20-2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: BaRa ]

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Well there are some tricks that you can apply. Render the surface in shaded polygon mode and you will be able to select any point on the surface rather than just the wireframe isoparametric curve points. Extract toll should also have a extract iso-parametric curve mode in the future.

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