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Site Model Hull isn't following the boundaries I want


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I have attached an image of what I would like to achieve.

I have a site model which I have created using 3D loci. The model has taken the most direct route between two locis missing out an intermediate loci which is not in line with the other two, I understand why it is done this, but I need the hull to follow the boundaries of the site. Am I doing something wrong?

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A timely post. I am struggling to make this work.

I have a courtyard and I am only interested in what is in the courtyard. See attached picture.

I want to show only the area within the courtyard. I have created an area representing the buildings and cut this. I select the site model and go into "edit group" - I see no reference to "enter group" and I assume this is the same.

I then paste in place the cut boundary. This appears as a solid that occludes the stake objects. I then exit group.

When I hit update on the site model, it remains the same.

Any ideas? Could it be because I have a pad (same place as building) and the man holes are pads? I am looking at the proposed site model.

I have looked at Jonathans video and I think I am doing it right, but obviously not.

Also, how come the flow arrows are not going all the way to the top of the plan. There is more than 1000mm gap here so I would expect to see arrows here.

Its also my first dtm used in anger and I was wondering about the best way to mark the manhole covers. They are obviously a flat object at a known height and part of the existing site. But I find that I need to set them as a pad to make them have an effect on the site model.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest Frank Brault

What you paste into the site model group must be a single 2D polygon. The polygon should represent the area that you want to retain, not the area that you wish to remove.


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DTM boundary must be a polygon. It will not work with a polyline, even a closed one. Do not add your manhole covers in the Edit Group pane. When you exit the edit, click Update in the Site Model OIP to see your clipped site model.

Re manholes: Circles are not polygons, so they do not respond to the Send to Surface command. If your terrain is not too steep, the manhole cover can be added in the DTM top view as a 2d circle. Then Convert the circle to polygon. Select the new polygon and use the Send to Surface command. This will convert the manhole poly into a new 3d object which is a projection of the 2d polygon, and which resides on the DTM surface. Steep terrain will distort it.

If the man hole object absolutely has to be circle, then extrude the circle, Send to Surface and adjust Z value and tilt as nec with nudge and Rotate tools & commands to make it show on the Terrain. Or add a fence around the extrude to make the terrain adjust to the location of the extrude

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Guest Frank Brault

3D/hybrid symbols also respond to the Send to Surface command. They are placed so that the 3D insertion point is at the surface. If you want all the covers to be level this would be one way to do it.

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