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Constraints Palette doesn't stay docked

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I don't know why, but my constraints palette frequently pops out about 10 pixels from the edge of my screen. This happens multiple times a day, and I do not know what causes the problem. I had the issue in Vectorworks 12 and now it has carried over into 2008.

I attached a link to a picture of the problem below. Any help is appreciated!

I am running Mac OS 10.4.11.



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I have a similar problem with the main window opening under the pallets. It's related to my dock being set on the right side of my screen. As the dock grows and shrinks based on the number of applications running, the VW pallets no longer think they are at the right edge of the screen. Ethan, where's your dock? Try hiding it and test VW that way. I suspect your problem is related to your dock position.

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My dock is set to the bottom of the screen, but I use Tinker Tool to mount it to the bottom left of the screen. That way, the finder is always at the bottom left, and the dock grows only to the right (as opposed to out from center) as I open more applications.

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