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VW 2008 and 2D Rotation

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Finally 2D rotation... I have been shouting for years and now its delivered... Thanks...!

Just a couple of questions... My office held off on upgrading to VW12 and are currently using VW 11.5... We will almost certainly upgrade immediately mainly because of the 2D Rotation but I am now confused about what version we actually have to buy...? We have 11 licenses of VW 11.5 but as far as I can see the view rotation is only in the Architect package. Does this mean we would have to buy VW 2008 Fundamentals plus the Architect package...?

Also has there been any major improvements in the DWG exporting apart from the worksheet enhancements...?

Many thanks


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At this stage we just have to accept the fact that different products have different features.

When the "product line" concept was originally introduced, at least yours truly assumed that the "industry-specific features" would be, well, industry-specific. "2D-view rotation" does not appear to me as "industry-specific", but obviously it is.

Nevertheless: VW is still, even as a "fully specified" version, a cheap CAD-program. About the price of AutoCAD LT, I think.

Cheap. But what about cheerful? The natives are becoming restless...

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