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Door schedule disorder

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Robert and wezel, thanks - got it!

One final question. Now that I can see my doors in order, I find that doors which are incorporated into a symbol have tags on the drawing, but they don't show up in the schedule. The criteria argument for the database is:

=DATABASE(((R IN ['Door']) & (Door.OnSched=TRUE)))

How do I edit this to include door objects with ID tags that are part of a symbol in a wall? My workaround is to copy the door PIO instance to another layer.

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The symbols are unique. I use them when I have to add a non-standard muntin pattern to the PIO instance.

Robert, thanks for the tip. I had considered doing exactly that but my uncertainty regarding how "&" and "|" are processed stopped me. By the way, the worksheet automatically rearranged the argument as follows:

=DATABASE((INSYMBOL & (R IN ['Door']) & (Door.OnSched=TRUE)))

Also, this spontaneously caused the sorting to revert to the previous random arrangement, and I had to reapply sorting to the ID Label column.

Could you explain when "&" acts as an inclusive versus exclusive operator? It seems to me in the above argument that the first "&" is inclusive, while the second operates to exclude those objects for which the statement is false.

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