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workgroup reference a report

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hi, just a quick one I hope

i need to reference 8 door schedule reports into one file which i will then use as my master door schedule (8 storey building - one file for each floor) however when i reference in the layer containing the report worksheet only the top two rows of the worksheets appears, can anyone shed any light on this? i would be most grateful.

best regards


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schedules that are reporting from record formats need to be in the same file as the referenced info. why not wg reference the 8 floor plans into one file and then generate your schedules. you can then use one titleblock sheet and consolidate files. by the way, why did you break out all floors into seperate files? it would seem more efficient to have them all in one file stacked as layers. it would be super easy for modelling, if needed...

Edited by jfmarch
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You have to reference the floor plans into the master schedule file for the schedule to show correctly. Unfortunately that means each floors plan layer needs to have a different name. I learned that the hard way.

That's about as far as I was able to get with door scheduling. I wasn't able to get the schedules to update and preserve the format of the schedule.

If you figure this out please follow up with a post! Currently my plan is to abandon the door schedule and start over with a "dumb" lines/text version.

By the way, we also have each floor on a separate file, because we need to have more than one person working on the project at a time.

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