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Cinema 4Drall

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interested in getting better renderings, what's the word on Cinema 4D R10? Vectorworks users' are you pleased with the import/export capabilities and the overall interface?

What about rendering times and quality as compared to Renderworks?

thx for y0ur feedback,


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Hi Carpalmer,

I'm using C4D for quite a while now, I started in R7 and just upgraded to R10. I'm very pleased with quality and speed, less with the interface. Coming from VW it (still) feels quite unnatural. I like C4D's ability to do with textures what I want, instead of constantly running into the RW limitations and RW's awkward mapping dialog. C4D is great for making movies.

The import export plugins for VW run fine, I think you need to have them, although in bigger projects I never dare to use the update ability (this may very well be my problem, I'll ask my shrink). I like the plugin's import format over the dxf import.

You may want to check out the odd combination of sketch-up and Maxwell I hear very good things about it and I see stunning results. Unfortunately there is no Maxwell plug-in for VW/RW.

The speed is not so much a problem anymore if you have an Intell running somewhere in your office.



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Hi David,

No, apart from subtracting objects, I don't use it for modelling at all. (You can animate the subtractions, really great!)

I have a few VW scripts from my own hand that help me with round and double curved surfaces, all polygon based.

The lack of control over the exact measurements in C4D (and VW nurbs, for that matter), always makes me go back to simple 3D polygon editing.


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Hi G,

That is not what I meant with fluid.

A model like this would be done much quicker (for me at least) in VW than in C4D. Even though special attention is needed to get a nice transition between straight and bend.

BTW, I love the light and the reflections in your image.

Models like these are more what I had in mind:



Both are not mine.


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One thing I miss in VW is the ability to do a loft with 2 rails with multiple curves (cross-sections) can C4D do this? Also decent surface blending tools and fillets?

Rendering in VW has improved a lot for me since the introduction of area lights (I have't played around with radiosity proper as yet). I've used 3DMax for for some renders, but it's usually hard to go past the convenience of a fully integrated rendering engine.

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