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Lighting Bar Measurements


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I am looking for a way to show the distance of an instrument from the center line and setting line, either on the plan or as a summary report. e.g. I have a Source 4 26 degree lamp which is 4.5m from the setting line and 2.3m from the center line.

Also I have worked on shows where the focus positions of each lamp are shown as such on a summary report e.g. the focus position for my source 4 is 6m from the setting line and 0.5m from the center line. Is there any way, for each lamp, to show the x,y position of the focus position for that lamp in some kind of summary report (for all lamps, summarised by lighting position). I figure if you assign a focus position for each lamp you should be able to get to this kind of info.

I was hoping there might be some tools already that could provide this kind of informationf from Vectorworks.


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Thanks David, by Setting Line I mean (usually) the line drawn across the upstage edge of the proscenium arch in a theatre. Combined with the Center Line in effect you get a cartesion coordinate system for layout out set pieces, etc.

I have been working my way through a demo version of Lightwright so it looks like this might be the way to go. Also downloaded the demo of the Autoplot tools...thanks for the tip, these look to have some excellent features.

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"by Setting Line I mean (usually) the line drawn across the upstage edge of the proscenium arch in a theatre. Combined with the Center Line in effect you get a cartesion coordinate system for layout out set pieces, etc. "

This is almost universally known as the Plaster Line, though I believe the European term is Piaster Line.

Steve B.

Brooklyn College

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