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Text block formatting (tabs)


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Thanks, Orso. Seems to work with either.

The value is in world dimensions, so there's an interesting exercise in determining how much space one needs. Converting an M to a polyline and measuring that, then making assumptions on the character measurements (in Ems) of some likely fonts? Nah, I'll hard-code Courier and let the users worry.

Edited by Petri
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Yes the two flags seem to return the same attribute.

Petri, I could think they are points:

1 point = 1/72 in

1 point = 1/1828,8 mm = 1/(25.4*72) mm= 0,000547 mm

Since I'm awful in math, and I cannot find at the very moment my own snippet for this, I ask the intervention of real Gandalf for giving you a truly optimized conversion routine. Including UPI. Raymoooondd.......

Orso smile.gif

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I'm investigating the Em-measurement & average width of characters in "normal" typefaces. Unfortunately, the people I know who are currently in typography do not seem to know whan an Em is...

The concept is this:

- measure Em of the user's font in current scale

- calculate the max number of characters in source data

- calculate the required tab spacing using the average width in Ems

- set the object variable to be as needed

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Yes, I'm very interested in this too.

The problem by this routine development is that you must vectorize a M in order to get its width (supposing you search for a clean em). If you find a trick to avoid this, I'd be very glad to know.

I don't think VS allows you to do it. The SDK should be the way.


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For a rough estimate of the Em Space of a Font, create a textblock of the chatacter 'M' at the point size you desire and use GetTextWidth(). Delete the textblock when done. If I'm not mistaken, 'W' is wider than 'M'. Either width should get you close enough to do what you want.


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