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Old SoftSymbols in VW12


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Hey all,

I've just started diving into VW12 and I'm a little confused. I have version 11 of Shelley's SoftSymbols. I recently converted them all to VW12 files, but they don't have the same functionality as inserting a light source from the Visualization Tool Set. I love the adjustability of color, and temperature, and intensity being right at your finger tips. Is this something that is going to need to be updated in the new files Shelley is working on or did I import/convert wrong?

For those of you unclear about what object library set I'm talking about check them out here: http://www.fieldtemplate.com/soft/softcopy.html

They are a phenomenal set of fixtures, but they seem to lack this great new feature set.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Rob Smith

Bristol, RI

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


This is something Steve is going to have to fix for his V12 release.

You need apply a non-shadow casting texture to all the geometry in the light. You can apply the "Default Instrument" texture found in the Spotlight object libaries. You will have to edit each 3D portion of the symbol and apply the texture.

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This is why I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. If I take a fixtuer out of the standard Spotlight Libraries and insert using the instrument insertion tool, it's placed with all of the fields in the object info palette but none of the gel, color temp, and intensity fileds.

Thanks for your suggestion Bryan. I'll keep on trying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys. sorry i've been off the loop for a bit, xmas shows and then i had a bit of a crash over the holidaze. kevin, i had no idea this update needed to take place for v12. did you mention this to me at LDI and i just missed it? folks; sorry for the delay. i'll try to address this as soon as i can. thanks in advance for your patience. shelley

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