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VW/DWG conversion



I am trying to convert a drawing file to DWG for use by my engineering consultant who will need to change the design and add additional information to meet local codes and regulations. As yet, we have not been able to come up with a conversion that allows this level of access to my drawings. First question - is this impossible or just difficult?

I'm running VW12.5, consultant is using AutoCad 2006.

I have tried to export using VW v12.5, 12.0 . I'm using export to DXF/DWG, converting symbols to groups and ungrouping (or not) from within the model layer, classes visible as needed, DXP export set to classes, all 3D boxes checked with exceptionof 'decompose 3D symbols and groups', line colors not used. Export layers only selected. All 2D boxes checked. I am finding that the user is not able to select drawing components - consultant responds drawing appears to be 'write only' and all objects are grouped.

I would really appreciate some help with this.



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You can send the file to me and I'll see what I can come up with. I've exported to 4 different versions of AutoCAD with a simple and complex file and cannot replicate the problem you are experiencing.

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I've had good luck exporting to AutoCad. But grave difficulties with importing. There seems to be some convention for AutoCad people to do their dimensioning and notations in Paperspace, which, in VW, is a Sheet Layer.

Therefore when you import the .dwg, VW's design layers lack the requisite text, effectively rendering them useless.

Unless I'm missing something.

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I am on the other end of this dilemma. I am a consultant who is receiving VW files that have been converted to AutoCad.

Each subsequent VW release creates a new challange on our end.

I am trying to figure out how the conversion process works and understand if something simple on their end can be done to ease the difficulties experienced on our end.

The files can be opened but not easily used. There are symbols with many nested symbols within them.

We associate penwidths with certain colors. In the process of changing colors to allow our work to be highlighted, we are not able to get the architectural information in the proper format.

Any attempt, bursting, exploding, etc., causes the entities to lose association with their layers.

Can anyone shed light on a process that may help get the VW file broken down to its basic elements durning the conversion process?

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Are they nested Symbols, or nested Groups? Since AC doesn't have real groups, both are converted to AC Blocks. In either case, they can be easily eliminated in VW by selecting all, or using Custom Select of all Groups and/or Symbols, and then using commands Convert-Symbol-to-Group and Ungroup, as many times as necessary for the nesting, till no Groups or Symbols are left.

If the problem is with line widths, perhaps because many VW users print line widths as line widths, and colors either as colors or as all black or as monochrome black and gray, why not do the same in AC with these files? AC now can assign lineweights to objects or layers, and then "Plot Object Lineweights" with no plot style table. You can still use color for other distinctions, but just print it all in black. If you want to see the lineweights while drawing, AC can even do that now, though it can only do it well in paperspace.

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We associate penwidths with certain colors. In the process of changing colors to allow our work to be highlighted, we are not able to get the architectural information in the proper format.

I though AutoCAD nowadays can handle true line widths.

Any attempt, bursting, exploding, etc., causes the entities to lose association with their layers.

Yes, this is a well-known problem with AutoCAD - everything goes onto layer 0. There at least used to be a free LISP-utility that exploded blocks and retained components' layers. One would have thought that Autodesk had provided a solution to this by now.

Can anyone shed light on a process that may help get the VW file broken down to its basic elements durning the conversion process?

By destroying any intelligent data translation possibilities, ie. before export, converting everything to so simple entities (lines and arcs) that even AutoCAD can handle them, then using certain export options, including, but not limited to, Map Colors to Lineweights.

Count yourself lucky: in THIS end, we get files using XREFs, but not the XREFfed files, coordinate markers done with "my special font", 2000 layers of unintelligeble names and 99% of objects on wrong layers.

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I can not import DXF or DWG files with UTM coordinates into Vector Works! The drawing coordiantes is always redirected to a 0,0 origin at the center of the paper view no matter what options are used! if I am importing georeferenced coordinates to Autocad, VW MUST NOT change my coordinates no matter what!!

No support for WGS-84 datum coordinates nor UTM grid coordinates with its scale factor! Autocad may be all the crap we want to say, but at least it comes with the minimum basic engineering and surveying coordinates tools supported!!

The point markers (they are not symbols) come out imported huge in size and there is not tool to select all of them and scale them while maintaining their individual position.

The text boxes are displaced when importing DXF into VW

This is a substandard DXF/DWG import/export routines by VW 12.51 that it is GETTING worse with each update/upgrade!!

If I were the DXF/DWG R&D director of VW I would fire his whole staff and then himself for not been able to provide a real solution to this issue since the takeover!!

Edited by holsteinson
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I have had problems both ways. Recently I had to export 6 A1 Vectorworks Sheets to AutoCAD dwg. I then had to open the project in AutoCAD and check everything.

Text in a Viewport had stacked on top of its self, and dimensioning had shifted.

This was a fairly simple 2D landscape design but a very large project.

Must have something to do I think with where you place things like text or dimensions in VW - whether in a Viewport Annotation or on the Design Layer - I do not know.

People with complex 3D stuff - must be really tough.

I wonder if any one can work it out???

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I can not import DXF or DWG files with UTM coordinates into Vector Works! The drawing coordiantes is always redirected to a 0,0 origin at the center of the paper view no matter what options are used! if I am importing georeferenced coordinates to Autocad, VW MUST NOT change my coordinates no matter what!!

Strange. I do this frequently without such problems. In fact, just a few weeks ago I ran a series of systematic & documented tests, in which same data set was opened in VW, AutoCAD and MicroStation. No coordinate problems. The data was then exported from VW and taken to AutoCAD & MicroStation and still no problems.

Maybe you have some import options wrong?

Text does tend to move, especially when the font is substituted.

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