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Version 12.5 Layer & Class Control

Eoin R

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Have downloaded 12.5 and the ability to set Layer and Class visibility by the keyboard has gone.

In previous versions we constantly used the keyboard (eg. Apple+Shift+4 to set all other layers grey) to quickly control layer and class visibility. Now we have to either go up to the top menu or the navigation palette to achieve this.

Is there any way to restore the previous controls?


John Ryan

Camilleri-Preziosi Ryan Architects Dublin

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I think the shortcuts were taken out because of the new "Gray/Snap Others" options -- which seem quite far-reaching as an improvement. Now I don't have to use layer colors to distinguish other layers...

Well, I'll probably still keep using layer colors, but for "non-active" classes it's a huge bonus.

Yeah I had to think up of new shortcuts for them. grin.gif

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If you lost the shortcut, check to see what workspace you are using. Are you using one of the standard workspaces or one of your own custom workspaces?

If it is custom, please note the workspace changes when updating in the 12.5 help documentation.

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