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Some objects not reflecting


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I made this bed using the Loft Surface tool. The pillows and covers are made the same way, with the same textures. This picture was rendered with OpenGL and the lighting looks correct:


This picture is the same file rendered with Final Quality Renderworks:


Can anyone tell me why the lighting is not correct with Renderworks? It seems like a bug. I have encountered it with other objects, not just loft surfaces. I would mirror and extruded rectangle with fillet edges and the original would look right while the mirrored one would be dark.

Any help would be appreciated.

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OPEN GL doesn't take into consideration shadows or exact lighting effects whereas RenderWorks does.

If no light exists in Open GL, the program will place one from the camera angle. In FQRW, the light position reflects the outcome of the rendering.

You may want to play with the light object placement, or even place a second light.

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Katie, can I email the file to you? Is there a size constrant?

I have noticed that when I rotate some objects, they don't reflect the light. This has nothing to do with the way they are oriented with respect to the light source. If, for example, I rotate one of the pillows on it's vertical axis and re-render, it looks almost black, while the other pillow looks normal. It's orientation didn't change but it no longer reflected the light.

If you notice in the FQRW pict, the pillows and the bed frame are reflecting the light from above and are shaded on the left and lower edges as they should be. The covers however, look as though they are lite from the lower left, and are shaded on the top. There are absolutely no other light sources.

Thanks for your help


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