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Editing Worksheet - doesn't work

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I hate VW worksheets. I can't make them do what I want.

It's simple.

All I want the worksheet to do is count symbols, and summarize them, but I only want to count 1 layer.

There are no options for criteria when creating reports which sucks.

OK so we count objects for the entire drawing which creates a huge worksheet because the drawing has been imported from ACAD.

The only place I can find that allows me to edit what is on the worksheet is the "paste criteria"

I try this. One line:

List objects whose ... LAYER ... IS ...LIGHTS

Shouldn't that give me a worksheet that only coounts the symbols on that layer?

No it doesn't do anything.

The worksheet doesn't change it still has 200 ACAD symbols.

Why is it so hard to count symbols on one layer?

I'm currently using VW12.01 on W2k

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