Adam P Posted May 28, 2004 Share Posted May 28, 2004 This is a question for the designers here. I am trying to create a backdrop / scrim in 3D form that looks like a sail of a tall ship. I've figured out how to create a nurb curve for piping, but can't figure out how to create the fabric element of the sail. I'm looking for this to be curved in plan, and curved in sideview....think of a picture of a tall ship on the high seas with the wind in it's sail..... Any suggestions? Thanks, Adam Quote Link to comment
propstuff Posted May 28, 2004 Share Posted May 28, 2004 Adam, Start with a rectangle (say) Use Model>Convert toNURBS this will give you a NURBS curve.(an "edge" with no surface) Then use Model>Create Surface from Curves. Give it a solid fill. This will give you a NURBS Surface with U & V degrees (think of these as handles) of "1". Look in the OIP for this. 1 Degree "corresponds" to each edge being divided into "1 increment". (this is the simplistic way of thinking about Degrees) Use the 3D reshape tool to select the NURBS object if it is not selected (it should still be) and look at the rectangle; it will have Vertex "handles" at each corner. Now change the U & V degrees to 2 (both of them) and look at the rectangle. It will now have Handles half way along each side. (each side is divided into 2). Note it will also have a handle in the middle where the mid-lines intersect. Choose a 3D view Using the 3D reshape tool you can pull each of these handles, or change them in the OIP in the same way you move 2D verticies. Pay careful attention to the Mode bar to be sure you are pulling the vertex "handles" in the right plane. This is a trap. ;-) If you pull the mid points of each side and the centre vertex away from the plane of the flat sail you will have your curves HTH, N. [ 01-16-2005, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: propstuff ] Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee Andrew Bell@NV Posted May 29, 2004 Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted May 29, 2004 quote: Originally posted by Adam P: This is a question for the designers here. I am trying to create a backdrop / scrim in 3D form that looks like a sail of a tall ship. I've figured out how to create a nurb curve for piping, but can't figure out how to create the fabric element of the sail. Create nurbs curves for the perimeter of the sail, and use "Create surface from curves" to create the sail surface. If you start in top view, say,you can create three or four three point curves for the boundary. Then go to an isometric view, select one curve, and choose the 3-D reshape tool. Select the move in Z axis option from the mode bar, and drag the center point of each curve up a little bit. Then "Create surface from curves" and you'll get a billowy shape. Quote Link to comment
Ziska Posted September 5, 2004 Share Posted September 5, 2004 Kevin, Cool! That worked.... Ziska Quote Link to comment
Ziska Posted September 6, 2004 Share Posted September 6, 2004 Nicholas Any idea why the U & V degrees aren't giving me more "handles"? Created rectangle both in plan and elevation- no joy... Ziska Quote Link to comment
Kevin Posted September 6, 2004 Share Posted September 6, 2004 Ziska; The instructions by Nicholas are very well written. However, like you, I was not able to get the additional handles to show when I changed the values in the OIP. Try clicking on your object with the 3D Reshape Tool, and not the Selection Tool. When I did this I was able to see the new handles just as Nicholas described. I am no expert here. The credit goes to Nicholas. If it were not for him, I would have no clue as to how these tools work. Quote Link to comment
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