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I am trying to make corrections on 4 floor plans that I recently completed. All of my walls have converted to polylines, what is the problem? I need this to be fixed because I don't want to have to redo all of the work!!!

please help!

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I have had this happen with the Create Polys from Walls command. (Seems obvious, right)? The command when working properly will create polys defined by the walls. But sometimes it will turn the walls into polys.

I feel for you as this is a scary situation. I know from experience. Hopefully you can undo or revert to a previously saved file.

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I am guessing that you ungrouped the walls. When walls are ungrouped they become more primitive elements.

I have had this happen with the Create Polys from Walls command. (Seems obvious, right)? The command when working properly will create polys defined by the walls. But sometimes it will turn the walls into polys.

I thought something like this maybe, but megj said "polylines" not polygons or lines.

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Are you sure that the polyline selected is a wall? Could it be a polyline object that follows the wall perimeter (area object, building perimeter, ...)? Also, check to make sure the Standard Views setting is "Top/Plan".

Hope you find a solution.


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