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Spotlight Update?


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I am excited about viewports and some of the new renderworks features but it appears that other that adding a few new symbols that the spotlight plugin is the same as it was in 9.0. This is a worthy upgrade for other reasons but have any of these items been addressed?

1. When using the number instruments command can you dictate which field it places the number? I often want to number all instruments from left to right and number similar instruments in another field.

2. The position summary is completely useless. You can't move it in relation to the lighting position and the text can't be formatted. Changing the text attributes only changes the text on the name of the position - not any of the other fields.

3. Worksheets are not updatable. This makes them all but worthless. I make an inventory report, format it, add in some additional information and it can't be updated without starting over. You can't even make your own inventory report using the "=count(symbolname)" function in the worksheet.

4. Lights don't move with the position.

5. Label Legend Manager is functional but could be MUCH easier to use. On the OIP there should be a little tick mark that allows you to display that particular feild or not. Then you could just edit the symbol to dictate where the data is displyed.

6. When you convert a truss into a light position it loses it's truss parameters without finding it in the resource browser and editing it. You can't change the parameters interactively anymore.

7. When you add an accessory to an instrument it doesn't 'stick' to that instrument.

A lot of these are bugs that have been present since spotlight was released. Is anyone working on the spotlight code anymore? I love VectorWorks and think that it is a great CAD package but I am going to be greatly disapointed if none of these obvious issues are being addressed. Someone please correct me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been using VW SL 11 for a couple weeks now, and none of your suggestions/bugs have been fixed/implemented.

The viewport functionality is really awesome and seems to be worth the upgrade, but I have yet to play with it extensively.


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