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DXF import


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I have to use both 3d studio max and vectorworks. I have pretty good luck going from VW to 3DS, but now I need to go the other way. I have an object in 3DS that when exported to dxf turns into 30K polygons. My question is this: Is there anything 3D power pack can do to turn this into a usable object. I can't add solids, I can't convert to mesh. Are there any other options or am I stuck with a group of 30K poygons? Any tips would be much appreciated!

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Currently release of 3DPP cannot handle 3D polygons for solid operations. It would in a future release. However, processing a large number of 3D polys for solid operations would be time consuming. It would be better to import 3D geometry into VW as NURBS surfaces rather than the facetted representation of them - something like IGES import for example. However, IGES import is also not supported in the current release. It is at the top of our list for a future version of VW.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


Originally posted by AndyM7777:

I have an object in 3DS that when exported to dxf turns into 30K polygons. My question is this: Is there anything 3D power pack can do to turn this into a usable object. I can't add solids, I can't convert to mesh.

Meshes are limited to somewhere around 3000 vertices. Try to select only some of your 30K polygons at a time, and convert them to mesh. Repeat until they're all part of various meshes. Then add the meshes together.

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