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Projections and lit fog

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Ok...another question. I have four spotlights projecting gobos and I would like to give them the "lit fog" attribute. The thing is, is that when I select the light, the object info pallet brings up a "Spotlight" dialog (with channel, dimmer, color, etc. info.) instead of a RW light object dialog.

Is it possible to have lit fog projections?



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Thanks Kevin...that worked like a charm! Ok, new question regarding the upgrade. When I select my projecting lighting object and look in the OIP, I see the lit fog and the intensity new settings, but I am now not seeing the "Focus" box. I had them (the projecting lights) "focused" to focus points in v12, but now there is no way, that I can see to associate a focus point with a unit!

I am sure I am missing something! blush.gif

Thanks again!


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I think I answered this on the theatre list too, but...

Either double click on the instrument or click the edit button. You can select the focus point in the dialog.

Sometimes the OIP needs to be refreshed when parameters are added. Making any change tho the object should cause the OIP to update and the parameters should appear.

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