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Anyone know how to create non-printable items?


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I am trying to create a layout guides for a typical page layout. I would like it to have some form of grid to align details to etc. I would like it to always be visible, but not print. Similar concept to the loci, but as lines.

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DR, if the Reference grid won't give you what you want try using loci with the Snap to Loci preference turned on. This will give you horizontal and vertical non printing lines from each loci which you can snap to. You will need to be careful about where you place the loci so that these lines don't make your drawing unreadable on screen.

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Are you trying to create this grid on a sheet layer or on a design layer?

for setting them up first on a design layer

you can create the grid on a layer i.e gridlines

you then create a class called non-plot

you turn off the non plot class when setting up viewports on a sheet layer

but the easiest way to line up Viewports on a sheet

is to use the full cursor (the colour changes when nudged in place)

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Everyone has their own way. Hopefully one of these will suit your needs. Here's mine. I keep a grid layer in all of my files that I toggle on and off with a script. The script can reside in a Script Palette or with a little more work, exist as a menu command assigned to a hot key. I toggle the layer uncountable times during a design and always off for printing. Anything can be placed on the layer and none of it prints. Oh, I also keep this layer behind everything so it's out of the way and doesn't interfere with selecting objects.



Here's the script:

procedure ToggleGrid;
GridLyr = 'Grid';	{ your grid layer name }
LName :String;
LName := GetLName(ActLayer);
if (GetLVis(ActLayer)=0) then HideLayer
else ShowLayer;

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Thanks for all the input, here is what I am finding:

1. When you using the make guide command, I find that the guides still print. They show up as light grey lines.

2. I currently have the guide grid set up as a class that is to be turned off, but my staff seems to forgett a lot and it gets expensive replotting sets of drawings.

3. We do not like to use the snap to loci feature because we import a lot of auto cad files that literally have millions of loci and you can't tell whats going on with all of the guide lines.

I'm going to give the script a try, thanks Raymond. Does this only work in the design layers?

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