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customizing door and window schedules

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I would like to customize my door and window schedules so that when I create a door/window I can go the the data tab in the window/door settings and plug in the data that I want instead of the default headings, and would also like to customize the actual door/window schedules in a way that it will still recognize the recorded data ie width/height etc...

I can find no mention of how to do this in the VW manuals.

Thanks for any guidance crazy.gif

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Robert, Maybe I am doing something wrong here, but I am an architect and not a computer programer, so this script stuff is kind of foreign to me. So I went to the vector script plug in editor and selected door, clicked on the parameters, and clicked on the user field 1 and clicked edit. I put in one of my own parameters. Then when I go to insert a door in a wall with the door tool, I get an error message saying vector script error and it won't let me put a door in. What am I doing wrong? Also, the user fields don't seem to appear in a schedule when I create one, is there something else I should be doing to have those fields show up in a schedule.


Jaseweil confused.gif

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Okay, so I changed the ALTERNATE name, not the parameter name, I can use my door tool again, however in the data tab the parameter name comes up (User Field 1) instead of my predefined Alternate name. However, my default value comes up okay. Is there a way to get my defined field name to show up in the data tab instead of User Field 1? Also, that field does not show up when I create my door schedule. Do I need to create a formula in the worksheet to recognize that field in my data tab?



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I'm sorry, I told you wrong. You can change the name, but it's a very technical (and overly complicated) process. For now, I recommend that you just use the "UsrFld" names and give the column heading in your schedule the title you want. I've entered this as a bug, look for it to be fixed in the next release.

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I am sure that I could change the name in the column heading of my schedule, but I still can't get the user field data columns to come up in my schedule when I create it. I just get the standard default data mfg.,model #, accessories, and comments. I tried to paste criteria in one of the existing columns but that didn't do the trick. What do I need to do to see these user fields in my Schedules. It seems that there could be a much more intuitive way to work with schedules and other worksheets, perhaps in version 13 it will be more straight forward as to how to get the information from the data tab of the door/window into the schedule.



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As I appreciate your help here Islandmon, I will restate what I said in an earlier post in this thread, I am an architect, not a computer programmer, so I don't really understand where I am supposed to put the database criteria,(nor how to define what my criteria is). Is this in the strings section of the vectorscript plug in editor? Isn't there (or shouldn't there) be an easier way to customize the door/window schedules without having to write code??? Any explanation that a lay person could understand would be helpful. Thanks.

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You can change the name, but it's a very technical (and overly complicated) process. <snip> I've entered this as a bug, look for it to be fixed in the next release.

Robert - That's good to hear. I think that it is much harder to customize Door Schedules in VW12 than it was in 11.5. The only items that our schedules have in common with the standard VW12 schedule is width, height and thickness. I've worked around this by importing the door record and schedule that I had cutomized in 11.5. It works, but I have to manually enter everything in the door record tab of the OIP. I have been able to modify some of the VW12 version to meet our needs. There are still a few items that I can't figure out how to change. Overall I though VW 11.5 records and schedules were much easier to customize.


Edited by stevek
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Well I've seem to have wasted some time and money on this one, but I too would like to know in laymans terms. How do you get the user defined fields from door PIO to show up in the door schedule.

Open the Door Schedule worksheet. On the drop-down menu at the top left, select "Database Headers". You will see a new row with a diamond at the left edge. Select the cell in this row where you would want User Field info. Now go up to the top, next to the green arrow and enter "=(Door.UserFld1)" (don't add the quotes). When you recalculate the worksheet, the data that you entered in your User Field 1 line should show up. Just change the number for each User Field in your schedule. Don't forget to turn off the Database Headers. There might be a better way of doing this, but it seems to work for me.


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Thanks SteveK, I had finally figured it out myself on Friday. However after much playing around I think I'll just take a pass on the Door Schedule.

Here is why.

1) there are not enough user fields for the schedule we normally create.

2) I could not find a way to rename the user fields in the properties diaglog so that the name matched the information that I wanted to store in that field. With five people in the office adding data it would not be very pratical to pass out a memo that says User Field 1 actually means "A", User Field 2 actually means "B" etc.

Then again maybe I just have it all wrong, and I just need to learn a little more about these schedules.


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2) I could not find a way to rename the user fields in the properties diaglog so that the name matched the information that I wanted to store in that field. With five people in the office adding data it would not be very pratical to pass out a memo that says User Field 1 actually means "A", User Field 2 actually means "B" etc.

I figured out how to change user field names. It may not be the VW way, but it seems to be working.

First make a copy of the file "Door.vso" in your VW12 Plug-Ins folder. It something screws up, you can use this file to get back to where you started.

In VW go to Tools>Scripts>VectorScript Plug-in Editor. Scroll down and select "Door". Click on the "Strings" button. Selecte "Main Dialog Static Strings" and hit the Edit button. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and you will see the "User Field #". Select one and hit Edit. Change it to what you want. Hit done and exit the editor. Your queries in the schedule will still need be the original field name like, "=(Door.UserFld1)". Once you have it working, you can copy your modified "Door.vso" to your users "Plug-Ins" folder. Also a copy of your modified Door Schedule.


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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm sorry, I told you wrong. You can change the name, but it's a very technical (and overly complicated) process. For now, I recommend that you just use the "UsrFld" names and give the column heading in your schedule the title you want. I've entered this as a bug, look for it to be fixed in the next release.

Robert, Can you tell me what the technical and overly complicated process is? If you want to go off line e-mail me at dritchey@aedisgroup.com.

Thanks David

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In the past, to get control of a schedule, I've exported the worksheet to Excel and brought the data back into a generic worksheet so that it can be edited. Is there any way that NNA could incorporate into a future release the ability to do that within VectorWorks? It will break the connection to the database, but since the design of the scheduling feature just isn't workable for some of us, that is a burden I for one would be happy to bear.

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