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Difficulties with the Seating Layout tool

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I'm having some issues with the seating tool I can not resolve.

I am using an 18x18 chair hybrid symbol. I want the seats to be 18" apart and 36" rows.

I have drawn a rectangle 24'x6', my goal to get 2 rows of 15 chairs. What I get is 3 rows of 15 chairs.

However, any dimension under 6' gives me only one row!

What am I missing?


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I am also having problems with the seat layout tool. In plan everything looks good , but in 3d view portions of the chair are detached and spread all over the drawing away from the layout area. I am using the jag chair symbol (default) what am I missing?

VWA 10.1

Mac OSX 10.2.6

Tibook 1gb,1ghz

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


This is a bug. You can work arround the bug till the next release by switching into concentric mode and placeing the focal point at a large distance (1000').


Place a single chair symbol in the document and verrify that the symbol is drawn correctly. If you have a simple file that shows this problem please send it to tech@nemetschek.net .

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