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Can I export to non-spotlight VW 10

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So I have these fabulous drawings in Spotlight that look great and so on. When someone opens these drawings in a basic version of Vectorworks 10, I get these ugly boxes around the lights and a lot of grousing about how they cannot read the drawings. Is there some way to export a drawing to a non Spotlight version that will look fine without any modifications. I will probably have to stop using Spotlight altogether if there isn't a workaround. I don't want to do that.

Maybe a Vectorscript?


[ 07-09-2003, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Martin ]

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

If you open a Spotlight drawing in regular Vectorworks everything should be just as you saved it. The user will not be able to change any of the information on the lighting device.

Instruments would turn into rectangles only if the other person has a copy of Spotlight, but did not have the symbols in the document.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Yes, the symbols are integrated into the document, but some users have deleted and/or purged the document to reduce the file size before emailing it.

If you want to test and see what it looks like in standard VectorWorks download a copy of the viewer and open the file.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

It should work. As a test (on Windows)I tried exporting a simple file as V8 and it opened fine in V8 and V9. You can email the file to tech@nemetschek.net with a description of the problem and they will try some different combinations and attempt to reproduce the problem.

Instruments will only turn into rectangles if the user has Spotlight. It is possible that the instrument could turn into rectangles if the document was opened in Spotlight 8

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