As soon as I click OK to print to my HP 1000C, a printing progress window opens up and the program will not respond to anything until the entire 11x17 sheet is printed. This usually takes a minute or two, so the delay is annoying.
Plotting to my ENCAD CadJet2 is worse. It can take 10 minutes or longer to send stuff to the plotter and my program is locked up the entire time. It takes hours to print a few sheets.
I have W98 on a PC with 128mb ram and my plotter has extra ram as well, but this seems to make no difference.
I am using the printers as windows printers. Is there another way or maybe a printer-specific driver for Vectorworks for the HP or Encad printers?
I never had this problem with MiniCAD but ever since I converted to VectorWorks I have been frustrated.
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tom brown
When I print from VW 9.5 it takes forever.
As soon as I click OK to print to my HP 1000C, a printing progress window opens up and the program will not respond to anything until the entire 11x17 sheet is printed. This usually takes a minute or two, so the delay is annoying.
Plotting to my ENCAD CadJet2 is worse. It can take 10 minutes or longer to send stuff to the plotter and my program is locked up the entire time. It takes hours to print a few sheets.
I have W98 on a PC with 128mb ram and my plotter has extra ram as well, but this seems to make no difference.
I am using the printers as windows printers. Is there another way or maybe a printer-specific driver for Vectorworks for the HP or Encad printers?
I never had this problem with MiniCAD but ever since I converted to VectorWorks I have been frustrated.
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