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PIO in annotations

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I have a few PIOs that I created for VW 9/10 that function properly in VW 11 and 12 except in viewport annotations. When in a viewport annotation and a parameter is changed, they redraw improperly. Should I be checking to see if the PIO is in an annotation, and if so, how would this be done? Is there a different origin that I should be aware of?

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What do you mean by "redraw improperly"? I've been having a problem with scale issues, but I believe part of the problem is a discrepancy between the viewport scale and the sheet layer (which is at 1:1). If your plug-in checks the layer scale to draw itself, you need to be sure to (a) check whether it's parent is a viewport (or something like this), and then (b) retrieve and use that viewport's scale.

I don't know the exact functions since I haven't hit up this problem yet, but some of the functions I've seen on the VS listserv (this is not working code, just a collection of snippets):




iType : = GetType(GetParent(selObjHandle));

'ForEachObjectInLayer' with 'Visible Objects only'

> Anyone know a VS way to get the current sheet layer dimensions?

Use GetDrawingSizeRect() with the sheet layer active. Here is a

sample of code that I use, with care taken to make sure that layer

scale works for all three possibilities (sheet layer, design layer

and no layer [edit symbol mode]):

IF NOT IsNewCustomObject(gPIOName) THEN BEGIN

s2 := GetLName(ActLayer);

s1 := GetLName(GetLayer(ghParm));

IF (s1 <> '') & (GetType(GetObject(s1)) = 31) THEN Layer(s1)

ELSE s1 := '';


GetDrawingSizeRect(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);

r1 := GetLScale(ActLayer);

IF s2 <> '' THEN Layer(s2);

PageWdth := Abs(dx2 - dx1) / r1 * 25.4 / gUPI; { page width in mm }

PageHght := Abs(dy2 - dy1) / r1 * 25.4 / gUPI; { page height in mm }

Let me know if you make some headway!

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There does not seem to be a way to access the scale set for the viewport. Although this may not be the problem as I tried this on a 1:1 scale viewport and the problem still exists. NNA objects of a similar type (elevation markers, etc.) seem to work properly, so their code has some special magic! But of course we do not access this code, unless someone is listening? [Wink]

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Well, this code is magic! Here is the resulting code that seems to work. Any optimizations would be appreciated.


If IsNewCustomObject(ObjectName) THEN


If IsVPGroupContainedObject(objectHand, 2) = TRUE THEN


layerScale:=GetObjectVariableReal(objectHand, 1003);







If IsVPGroupContainedObject(objectHand, 2) = TRUE THEN


layerScale:=GetObjectVariableReal(GetVPGroupParent(GetParent(objectHand)), 1003);






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