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Working with vectors...


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I'm using vector data type for my studies on a 3D tree generation tool I already published, as a first release, at www.VectorDepot.com, plugins section.

What I need is a function to rotate vectors in 3D space (same as the Rotate3D for 3D objects).



Function Vec3DRot(v: Vector; XRot, YRot, ZRot: Real):Vector;


I do not know if VW10 has something like this on the vector data type function set, I'm using VW9.5 that has a poor set of functions about vectors.

Thank you in advance for help. [smile]

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Can you describe how you want your function to work? In my limited understanding of 3D vector math, I do know that the order of rotations affects the orientation of the result. For example,

rotate X 90?, rotate Y 90?, rotate Z 90?

yields a different result than,

rotate Y 90?, rotate Z 90?, rotate X 90?.

In the case of the VS command, Rotate3D, the axes are rotated in XYZ order.


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After overthinking the problem a bit, I finally realized it wasn't all that complicated. Here is my distilled version:


function VecRot3D(V :Vector; RotX, RotY, RotZ :Real) :Vector;

{ Rotate a 3D vector by the amount specified in each axis. Rotation is in degrees. }

{ 14 February 2003 - Raymond Mullin }


U :Vector;

procedure PartialRot(var X, Y :Real; Ang :Real);


W : Vector;


W[1] := X;

W[2] := Y;

W[3] := 0;

W := Ang2Vec(Vec2Ang(W)+Ang, Norm(W));

X := W[1];

Y := W[2];

End; { PartialRot }


U := V;

PartialRot(U[2], U[3], RotX);

PartialRot(U[3], U[1], RotY);

PartialRot(U[1], U[2], RotZ);

VecRot3D := U;

End; { VecRot3D }

Best wishes,


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Thank you Raymond, I solved the problem also using matrices. Thanks to Dr. Math



Given a vector and the three rotation angles (on x, y, z), the result is a new vector corresponding to the first vector rotated.

The resulting function is as follows:



function Vec3DRot(v1:Vector;xRot,yRot,zRot:real):vector;


m : array[1..3,1..3] of real; {matrice of transformation}

c,s : real; {cosine and sine variables}

vt,v2 : vector; {temporary vectors used in calculations}


vt := v1;

{********** X rotation **********}

c := cos(deg2rad(xRot));

s := sin(deg2rad(xRot));

m[1,1] := 1; m[2,1] := 0; m[3,1] := 0;

m[1,2] := 0; m[2,2] := c; m[3,2] :=-s;

m[1,3] := 0; m[2,3] := s; m[3,3] := c;


v2.x := vt.x * m[1,1] + vt.y * m[2,1] + vt.z * m[3,1];

v2.y := vt.x * m[1,2] + vt.y * m[2,2] + vt.z * m[3,2];

v2.z := vt.x * m[1,3] + vt.y * m[2,3] + vt.z * m[3,3];


vt := v2;

{********** Y rotation **********}

c := cos(deg2rad(yRot));

s := sin(deg2rad(yRot));

m[1,1] := c; m[2,1] := 0; m[3,1] := s;

m[1,2] := 0; m[2,2] := 1; m[3,2] := 0;

m[1,3] :=-s; m[2,3] := 0; m[3,3] := c;


v2.x := vt.x * m[1,1] + vt.y * m[2,1] + vt.z * m[3,1];

v2.y := vt.x * m[1,2] + vt.y * m[2,2] + vt.z * m[3,2];

v2.z := vt.x * m[1,3] + vt.y * m[2,3] + vt.z * m[3,3];


vt := v2;

{********** Z rotation **********}

c := cos(deg2rad(zRot));

s := sin(deg2rad(zRot));

m[1,1] := c; m[2,1] :=-s; m[3,1] := 0;

m[1,2] := s; m[2,2] := c; m[3,2] := 0;

m[1,3] := 0; m[2,3] := 0; m[3,3] := 1;


v2.x := vt.x * m[1,1] + vt.y * m[2,1] + vt.z * m[3,1];

v2.y := vt.x * m[1,2] + vt.y * m[2,2] + vt.z * m[3,2];

v2.z := vt.x * m[1,3] + vt.y * m[2,3] + vt.z * m[3,3];


Vec3DRot := v2; {the resulting vector}


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