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Is there some published list of the c:Criteria

that is acceptable when doing a search using the count function. for instance the example shows FP for fill pattern. Are we supposed to guess what abbreviations are what because I can't seem to find a list.

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In both VW 9 and VW 10 this information is in the "VectorScript Language Guide", in appendix B - Search Criteria. This manual is provided as a pdf file inside the "VWHelp" folder.

In VW 10, it is also in the "VectorScript Function Reference". This is an HTML document inside the "VWHelp/VectorScript Reference" folder. Click the "Additonal Resources" link in the top-left frame. Then click the "VectorScript Appendix" link in the bottom-left pane. Then click "Appendix E - Miscellaneous Selectors" link. You will see a table of the Attribute Criteria selectors, and links to more information that explains what the range of values means.

For 10, I incorporated more tables into the VS Function Reference, added missing information and corrected several errors.

(By the way, you can link to both these documents by choosing "VectorWorks Help" from the "Help" menu in VectorWorks. )


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Amazingly enough, I could not find this info in any of the VS References either, so I typed what I could find here. The list should have more entries due to VW advances, but this should get you started. Sorry, tabs don't make it to the BB. You can replace the ' - ' string to a TAB to get a better view

Best wishes,


Criteria Name - Code - Example

Arrowhead - AR - (AR=1)

Class Name - C - (C='aClassName')

Every Object - All - A(All)

Fill Background - FB - (FB=1)

Fill Foreground - FF - (FF=2)

Fill Pattern - FP - (FP=3)

Layer Name - L - (L='aLayerName')

Line Style - PP - (PP=2)

Line Weight - LW - (LW=10)

Object Name - N - (N='anObjectName')

Object Record - R - (R IN ['aRecordName'])

Object Type - T - (T=Rect)

Pen Background - PB - (PB=White)

Pen Foreground - PF - (PF=Black)

Pen Pattern - PP - (PP=4)

Selected Status - Sel - (SEL=TRUE)

Symbol Name - S - (S='aSymbolName')

Visibility - V - (V=TRUE)

Object Types are as follows:

Line - Line

Rectangle - Rect

Oval - Oval

Polygon - Poly

Arc - Arc

Freehand line - FHand

3D Locus - Locus3D

Text - Text

Group - Group

Quarter Arc - QArc

Rounded rectangle - RRect



Symbol - Symbol

2D Locus - Locus

Worksheet - SprdSheet

Polyline - Polyline

Extrude - Xtrd

3D Polygon - Poly3D

Layer link - LayerLink

Sweep - Sweep

Multiple extrude - MXtrd

Mesh - Mesh

Dimension - Dimension

Wall - Wall

Light - Light

Roof / Floor - Slab

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