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Site Modifier for Swimming Pool

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I'm trying to integrate a swimming pool into a site model while subtracting material from a site model. The bottom of the pool has one flat section as well as two sloped sections at each end. Initially I tried to accomplish this with one site modifier but wasn't able to figure out how to configure the modifier to achieve the correct results so I'm now attempting to use three modifiers. This isn't working! 


Also, I noticed that the modifiers do not project straight up/down as shown in the example image. There is a gap at the bottom between the modifier while they are flush at the tops.


What would be the ideal method for the site model subtraction?

I appreciate any suggestions. I've back-saved a VWX file to v2022for reference.

Thanks in advance,

Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 1.00.22 PM.jpg

Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 1.02.47 PM.jpg

Pool v2025 v2022.vwx

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Pickup said:

here is one of my solutions:


 Hi, thank you for showing this option, might be very useful for some cases. But I understand grade limit modifier should be used anyway very close to the pit, right? When I tried it with simple extrude and grade limit far away, the result was like a as planner pad modifier, not as retaining edge modifier. 

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1 hour ago, Vitute said:

 Hi, thank you for showing this option, might be very useful for some cases. But I understand grade limit modifier should be used anyway very close to the pit, right? When I tried it with simple extrude and grade limit far away, the result was like a as planner pad modifier, not as retaining edge modifier. 

if you use the retaining edge modifier, you don't need the grade limits. With Vectorworks 2025, site modifiers are retaining edge by default. The next movie should be online tonight and you can see me make your swimming pool modifiers. 


i have written a swimming pool manual a few years ago.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

@Vitute @rWulff I have created some fairly complex 3D Pool shells that have integrated site modifiers. If you look for Compass Pools or River Pools in the Vectorworks Library, you should find the symbols. I would suggest importing one if you have access and exploring the elements withing the 3D portion of the symbol. When grading precisely in this manner, I've had the best luck utilizing 3D Polylines on the "Site-DTM-Modifier" class, the same approach as @Jonathan Pickup. I believe most elements placed on this class, that are also on a layer that effects grading, will modify your surface model. Regarding the grade limits, I've included one on each pool model, offset from the pool edge about two feet. This isn't required, but I've included it so they are stand alone elements that can be dropped in and excavate the site model. In conjunction with the site modifiers at the bottom of the pool, there are several 3D Polyline modifiers up near the rim of the pool to make sure to pull grade back up under the lip of the pool shells. Please take a look, I hope this is useful for you.

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Your feedback was just what I needed. Thank you for the suggestions, videos and the pool model examples. Using 3d polys instead of trying to use the Site Modifier object did the trick. 


Scott, nice work with the premade pool objects. They look great and good to know they are available moving forward. Thank you for the detailed explanation.


Jonathan, your videos are always helpful, thank you.


Appreciate everyone's help.



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