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Dimension Setting keep resseting



Hello everyone.


I'm learning how to use the very complex dimension settings of Vectorworks. So far, I understood how to setup the look of the dimension by creating a dimension standard. I also setup the Document Preferences/Dimensions settings and the Units setting. Than I create a Text Styles. It's 4 different places you need to go just to setup dimension. Feature Request: It would good if all those setting can be gather all in one place like a Dimension Style available in the Resource Manager and can be quickly copy from file to file. 


This said, once I did all that, I'm picking up the Dimension Tool and draw a dimension. Even after all that, I still need to adjust in the Object Info, the Auto Position Text, Flip text, Box Text, and Leader Line checking boxes. Is there any way those 4 check boxes can be preset, or I need to adjust them on every dimension I create? Even if I use the Ctrl-Alt command to duplicate a previous dimension, those boxes still reset.


Thank you.


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