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DWF Export

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What version of Vw are you using? Mac or Windows? (It would make it easier for users to help you diagnose if you would add that info to your signature).


In Vw2025 Update 3 on MacOS, I made a very simple test file with a Sheet Layer, a custom printer page size of 60in x 24in, and a 2d rectangle in the middle of the sheet. It exported to DWF fine -- nothing was cropped off.


I left all of the DWF Export options at <Default>; I notice that you have yours set to <Active Settings>. Perhaps try <Default> and see if it makes a difference.


Vw 2025 Update 3:



Autodesk online viewer:



It's hard to tell what is going on based on the info you've provided. You'll need to provide additional information or a sample file.

Edited by rDesign
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I finally got it to work. Didn't take too much effort.


1) I moved the 0,0 center of the Sheet Layer to be the center of the drawing layout. It was at the upper right corner, not sure if this made a difference;

2) I created a Page size of 30in x 42in so that now the SL is just one Page (not tiled as previous).




After I did #1 & 2, the DWF file now showed the entire drawing layout, but the top 4 viewports were not rendering properly, so --- 


3) I selected one of the VPs that was rendering correctly and created a new Viewport Style. Then I applied the new VP Style to the others and now they are all rendering properly in the exported DWF (attached). I do not know why creating & applying a VP Style makes a difference, but it does.



Test.vwx Test-working.dwf

Edited by rDesign
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