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Decimal Issues

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I’m having trouble with decimal numbering. I’ve searched but haven’t found anything helpful.

I ended up creating this:


However, in the database (and consequently in the spreadsheet tabulation), I get this result:





Can anyone help me?



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  • Marionette Maven

The issue is with how you're assigning values. The alphanumeric code after your numerical value represents the handle, or ID, of the objects you're referencing. That's happening because you are taking the output from your rectangle and extrude nodes and passing it to through to your record values. 


If you're comfortable, you could upload the file here so I could look at it closer, or direct message it to me. 

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10 ore fa, Marissa Farrell ha detto:

Il problema è con il modo in cui stai assegnando i valori. Il codice alfanumerico dopo il valore numerico rappresenta la maniglia, o ID, degli oggetti a cui fai riferimento. Questo sta accadendo perché stai prendendo l'output dal tuo rettangolo e estrudendo i nodi e passandolo ai tuoi valori di record.


Se ti senti a tuo agio, potresti caricare il file qui in modo che io possa guardarlo più da vicino, o inviarmelo in un messaggio diretto.

This is the file, thank you!

Another curiosity: is this why, when I run the script, it only creates a group without even attaching the panels?

60-61 _ Grafiche.vwx


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