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Get Symbol PopUp and NodePipe

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Hi the community,


Sorry for my Frog English.


I Continue to build some tools for Entertainement. 

and i search some stuff to progress and proposed something professional.

All time the final result is to get an marionette object with OIP setup AND OIP Info


First is To get symbole from a popup radio button. 

As same as a lot of plugin.


Second is to know if there is a possibility to create a Node pipe to clean the marionette line ?

A node with data in and an other with data out. If their node have same name, they are linked.

I already this that in python or with MaxMsp...


I attached a schematic drawing of my request.

Some to all admin and contributor for the answers.


Capture d’écran 2025-01-28 à 12.26.56.png

Capture d’écran 2025-01-28 à 12.35.24.png

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So your second request is actually a Wish/Request for a way to move data around a Marionette Network without having to have all of the jumper lines shown.


A pair of nodes that you can name that would act like a split PASS node.


I have no idea if that is possible or not. But since this is programming, it probably is possible. Just not sure if the Marionette framework would support that easily or not.

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